Performance audits
Audit HCG performance
- The measured free β-hCG is influenced by machine used to make the measurement, gestational age, maternal weight, maternal age, racial origin, cigarette smoking, diabetes mellitus, obstetric history and family history of preeclampsia.
- However, the measurements also depend on the equipment and reagents used at a specific laboratory. You will therefore need to obtain the MoM values from your laboratory.
- To assess the quality of your measurements you need to upload an excel file providing data for each patient. For instructions on how the excel file should be formatted, please click here.
- The application will provide a distribution of MoM values that will be presented in two graphs. It will also assess the results and highlight whether your values are within or outside acceptable limits.
- If your results are outside acceptable limits, you will need to notify your laboratory to make the appropriate adjustments.
To view an example of a report with good measurements click here.
To view an example of a report with bad measurements click here.
{"hcg":{"title":"","body":"<p style=\"text-justify\">The excel file that you need to upload in order to assess the quality of HCG measurements should include the following columns:<\/p><table><tr><td class=\"caption\"><strong class=\"text-primary\">ga<\/strong><\/td><td>Gestational age, expressed in days, numerical value.<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class=\"caption\"><strong class=\"text-primary\">wt<\/strong><\/td><td>Maternal weight, expressed in kilograms (kg), numerical value.<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class=\"caption\"><strong class=\"text-primary\">mom<\/strong><\/td><td>MoM value, the MoM value of the measurement, numerical value.<\/td><\/tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"text-muted decimal-mark\">For numerical values, the decimal mark should be a dot (.), not a comma.<\/td><\/tr><\/table><p>For a sample data file, please <a data-marker=\"hcg\" href=\"\/research\/audit\/sampleData\/hcg\"><i class=\"fa fa-file-excel-o\"><\/i> click here<\/a>.<\/p>"}}