Look for Life
Support in developing countries
Ultrasound examination plays an important role in the improvement of pregnancy outcome both for the mother and the baby. Unfortunately this technology is at present confined to developed countries or the well off of the population in some developing countries.
According to statistics from the World Health Organization more than half a million women die every year in the world as a result of a complication related to pregnancy or delivery. More than 99% of these deaths are in underdeveloped or developing countries.
The Look for Life campaign by the Fetal Medicine Foundation aims to contribute to a reduction of maternal and perinatal mortality in underdeveloped and developing countries through training of local healthcare providers in the use of ultrasound and the creation of specialist Fetal Medicine Centres to improve the care of pregnant women.
The Fetal Medicine Foundation has funded the development of Fetal Medicine Centres and provided high quality ultrasound machines to the following countries: Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Armenia, North Macedonia, Moldavia, Albania and Kosovo. These centres have been established in the main University Hospitals in the capitals of the above countries with the intention of providing free-of-charge care to women with high-risk pregnancies. Teams of doctors from the Foundation have visited the above countries to give lectures and provide practical training in obstetric ultrasound. In addition, the Foundation has offered 2-year training fellowships in Fetal Medicine in London for doctors from these countries.